Thursday, June 16, 2011

Picked, primed and ready...

It's been one of those weeks for me, by the end of Monday, it felt like it was the longest week of my life!  I kid you not, come Tuesday, I felt defeated and thought that someone should be picking out my plot and start prepping it for me.  Then Wednesday rolls around and I woke up thinking it was Thursday.  When I realized my mistake, I was so upset.  Still hopeful that I could catch up but alas, I was wrong again.  Today was no different, if not a bit worse then the rest of the week.  Tomorrow is the blessed Friday, and I'm still hopeful that it will be better, we'll see.  I did have one shining moment today, when I realized that this coming month I will only have to work 1.5 days the first week.  It made my day really, I got so excited when I realized this beautiful thought.  It helped the remainder of my day.

It's difficult to grasp the thought, that you work to enjoy your weekends but your weekends aren't long enough to enjoy and recoup.  I don't understand why things have to be so... what's the word.. tiring and complicated.  Simplicity is good, needed really.  Our society as a whole feels the need to overwork, over-stress, and undercut family times.  Without family and friends what's the point?  How are we suppose to guide our children into adult-hood if we aren't there for them?  Why are there so many corporations cutting some of the most important things?  Vacations, sick-time, medical.  What is the point of working, if you can't provide the basics or you never get to see your family or friends?  What's the point?  Does it make any sense?  To work your employees to the point where they are too exhausted to function?  If they can't function, they won't have their job to worry about any longer because they would get let go.  I don't understand it.  When I was single, it didn't make any difference to me.  I was young, unattached and no one to answer to but myself and my job.  I could do it then, but now.  I want to be a good mother, wife, daughter, friend, and employee, but how can I accomplish that on all levels without slacking in one area or another?  When I was younger, my job is what I related my identity to.  Now that I'm older, I relate my identity to how well I can accomplish being good at all of the above.  It's tiring, isn't it?  I think it is, and I don't know how so many people do it, with less then what I have on top of it all.  It's an admirable quality to hold.  Maybe one day, I will feel like I had it, even if for a short time.  Are we getting to a point where we are over working and undercutting family?  I think we are at that point, and beyond it.  What I want to know, is what do you think?

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