Just Breath...

My family has adopted a new dog, she's a month new with us and she is a sweet 2 1/2 year old Lab/Shar Pei mix.  She looks nothing like a Shar Pei, and more closely resembles a smaller black lab.  She's a Pound Puppy, through and through.  We have no idea what her history is, so we know nothing of her potential "quirks".  Well, I think we've recently discovered some of them.

Let me give you a bit of back story first.  For the past year, I have been slowly knitting a scarf for my husband, a beautiful, soft, cashmere scarf.  My goal is to complete it before this coming winter.  Time is crunching closer to my end date, so I've recently picked it up again after having put it aside this summer due to purchasing our first home (that's a different train of thought for another time).  Well, my dog, Kayla, has been exploring our home and getting familiar and comfortable with her new surroundings.  This is a wonderful experience to witness and be able to participate in, I have wanted a dog for such a long time.  Anyhow, this past Monday, she wanted to explore my knitting box and discovered my nicely wound ball of cashmere yarn for my scarf project.  She wanted to taste it's silky smooth texture between her teeth evidently, and tore this ball apart, like she has her toys before.  I caught her red pawed, and was utterly dismayed at what I saw.  Hindsight I wish I would have taken a picture of it, but my emotions were too close to the surface to think rationally about the whole situation.  Luckily, she did not touch the scarf that has been already made.  I was at a loss, I cried.  I admit it, I broke down and cried like a child who's favorite toy just broke. This is what I was untangling for the next four hours.  Mind you, these pictures are after two hours of untangling already.

This is my end product of detangling:  I'm quite proud of myself, I'm not going to lie this was a very trying task for me.  I look forward to being able to finish this scarf before the winter comes, so that I can actually give this to my husband.  You can already see the project taking form, when I'm done, I'll be sure to take better pictures of it and show you the end product.

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