Monday, June 13, 2011

It's gone...

Today, was a tremendously busy and hectic day at work.  Nothing I set out to accomplish was, and it was cloudy and overcast to boot.  Typical Seattle weather really.  Driving in, I saw white all over the edge of the road, and thought it had hailed earlier, I thought to myself, it is June right?  It's not cold enough to hail, then I came to realize later that it was only white petals that had fallen during the rain and littered the streets edge.  Hind-sight, it was quite pretty, and made for a pleasant ride in.

By the end of my day, coming home I was ready to sit, and do absolutely nothing for the rest of the night. As every night, this didn't happen but I was welcomed home with a really tasty meal made by my hubby and found out that my son took second in two races during field day today at school.  I got to relax a bit after dinner and when I put my son to bed later, he was full of laughs and joy that made my stress melt away.  I have to say that after it's been all said and done, my day could not have been better.

It's funny how simple things can make life a bit more enjoyable.  I hope I get to accomplish more on my list tomorrow, then I did today.  If not, then I hope my day ends just as pleasant as it did today.

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