Sunday, February 26, 2012

Braided Apple Pastry

I gained inspiration for this off of a Better Homes and Garden recipe I found years ago.

I made it last night for my family, and it turned out so good!  To start, I'm not very good at keeping track of my measurements  while in the process of making my "goodies".  So, the measurements can be (and should be) adjusted to your liking.

Warm the oven to 325 degrees
1 Sheet puff pastry, thawed
1 Medum apple chopped, I used Pink Lady
1 1/2 tsp Cinnamon
2 tsp Flour
Dash of Ground Ginger
Dash of Nutmeg
2 packets of Truvia (or approximately 2-3 tsp of sweetener of your choice)

Mix the apple and spices with 1 tsp flour and the Truvia in a bowl.  Set aside.
On a lightly floured surface, roll the puff pastry out to the thickness of your liking.
On the longest sides of the pastry, make slices towards the center of the pastry (almost like you are cutting hash marks into it), while leaving the center of the pastry intact.
Place your filling into the center of the pastry.
Fold over the ends, to seal in the filling.
Take the strips of pastry and crisscross them over each other, creating the "braid" look.  Once you get to the other end, pinch the last two strips to the end to seal.
Lightly grease a cookie sheet and place the pastry onto the cookie sheet and place in the oven.  It should take approximately 20-30 minutes to cook all the way through.  Remove from the oven and serve!

You could always serve it with some whip cream or ice cream too.  This reminds me of the apple pie from McDonalds only "super-sized" and so much better.